Sunday, December 29, 2019

Capital Punishment The Death Penalty - 1648 Words

He who sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for in the image of God was man created.(Genesis 9:6) Anyone who by violence causes a death must be put to death.(Exodus 21:12) But should any person dare to kill another with deliberate planning, you will take that person even from my altar to be put to death.(Exodus 21:14) Capital Punishment can be described as a the punishment of death for a very bad or heinous crime like murder. Not all states have got capital punishment, otherwise known as the Death Penalty. The states which do not have this type of punishment are Alaska, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. The remaining states do have some form of capital punishment ranging from hanging, firing squad, electrocution, gas chamber, and lethal injection. If somebody killed someone they would not automatically get the death penalty, there are several circumstances that a judge, jury, and prosecutioner must look at to see how bad the crime was. In some states if you kidnap someone, and do heinous things to them, you could still be eligible for the death penalty. Each state which carries a death sentence has got their own requirements that a person must meet to decide whether they get life in prison, or the sentence of death. Below is each state which carries a death sentenceShow MoreRelatedCapital Punishment : The Death Penalty1482 Words   |  6 PagesMrs. McElmoyl 12/12/14 Capital Punishment As stated by former governor of New York, Mario M. Cuomo, Always I have concluded the death penalty is wrong because it lowers us all; it is a surrender to the worst that is in us; it uses a power- the official power to kill by execution- that has never brought back a life, need inspired anything but hate. (Cuomo 1) This is one of the main arguments against capital punishment (also known as the death sentence.) Capital punishment is the ability for a governmentRead MoreThe Death Penalty And Capital Punishment931 Words   |  4 Pageswritten down (Robert). The death penalty was applied for a particularly wide range of crimes. The Romans also used death penalty for a wide range of offenses. Historically, the death sentence was often handled with torture, and executions, except that it was done in public. In this century, the death penalty, execution or capital punishment, whatever you’d like to refer it as, is the result for committing capital crimes or capital offences and it is not in public. The death penalty has been practiced byRead MoreCapital Punishment : The Death Penalty1410 Words   |  6 PagesCapital Punishment in America In 1976 the Supreme Court of the United States of America ruled the Death Penalty constitutionally permissible. The debate over capital punishment has always been a topic of great controversy. Before the Supreme Court ruling in 1976 America had been practicing capital punishment for centuries. At the current time some states enforce the death penalty, while some do not. There are differences of opinion’s relating to whether or not the death penalty is the proper wayRead MoreCapital Punishment And The Death Penalty991 Words   |  4 PagesCapital Punishment Imagine your having a normal morning, eating breakfast doing your normal routine. Suddenly your phone rings and when you answer you hear the worst news possible. One of your family members has just been murdered in cold blood. You cry, mourn, then become angry. You attend the court hearing and you sit less than 20 feet away from the murderer. Do you truly believe this person deserves to live? Or should they face a punishment that is equal to their crime? Some may say CapitalRead MoreThe Death Penalty And Capital Punishment1569 Words   |  7 Pagesthe death penalty also referred to as capital punishment. The death penalty is both useless and harmful to not only criminals but also their potential victims. This paper uses these horrific facts to try and convince the reader that the death penalty should be done away with before it is too late, although that time may have already come. With supporting evidence to support my cause, I hope that the following information sways at least one reader to see the harm of keeping the death penalty an activeRead MoreCapital Punishment And The Death Penalty1235 Words   |  5 PagesWhat is capital punishment? Why do people support it, but yet people cherish lives? Is it a moral thing to do? Should one be for or against the Death Penalty? Let’s take a look deep into the world of justices and why capital punishment still exists in today’s society. Capital punishment or the death penalty is a feder al punishment given to criminals who are convicted of murders. It is the highest law punishment available that can prevent future murders by developing fear within them. Capital punishmentRead MoreCapital Punishment And The Death Penalty1017 Words   |  5 PagesName: Lucas Falley Topic: Capital Punishment Background: Capital punishment, or the death penalty, has existed for thousands of years. For as long as there has been organized society, the death penalty has existed in numerous cultures and civilizations. Throughout the years the methods have changed, but the use of capital punishment is becoming a pressing matter. Amnesty International reports that there are 140 countries worldwide that have abolished the death penalty, while over 50 countries stillRead MoreThe Death Penalty Is A Capital Punishment1271 Words   |  6 Pages What is the death penalty? The death penalty is a capital punishment that is punishable by death or execution. This is usually given to people that have committed serious offences or capital crimes. There are 31 states in the United States that are for the death penalty. Crimes that are punishable by the death penalty, vary from state to state. Examples of such crimes are; first degree murder or premeditated murder, murder with special circumstances, such as: intende d, multiple, and murder whichRead MoreCapital Punishment And The Death Penalty1539 Words   |  7 PagesCapital punishment, otherwise known as the death penalty, has been the center of debate for a long time. Capital punishment may be defined as the â€Å"[e]xecution of an offender sentenced to death after conviction by a court of law of a criminal offense† (Capital Punishment). Up until 1846, when Michigan became the first to abolish the death sentence, all states allowed legal practice of capital punishment by the government (States). Currently, there 32 states still supporting the death penalty and 18Read MoreThe Death Penalty Of Capital Punishment1480 Words   |  6 Pagesjustice system, such as the death penalty. Capital punishment has been used many times in history all around the world, and it was quite popular. Many people argue that capital punishment is useful in deterring crime and that it is only fair that criminals receive death as punishment for a heinous crim e. On the contrary, others see the death penalty as a violation of the 8th amendment. It restricts excessive fines, and it also does not allow cruel and unusual punishment to be inflicted upon criminals

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Leadership And The Laissez Faire Leadership Style

Leadership What is leadership; it can be a process used by leaders in order to shape the workforce and workplace in a variety of ways. Some of the different things that leadership can influence within an organisation are personal attributes and behaviours, which can be developed and/or changed in order to reach a common goal. Leadership can also be used as a channel for developing ideas and visions through an organisation. A clear example of using leadership as a passage to developing ideas through an organisation can be seen in Steve Jobs’ leadership style. Some believe leadership comes from traits of a leader, but others believe it comes from skills learned to be the better leader. There are three main traditional leadership styles however many others still exist. The main ones are: Autocratic leadership style, Democratic leadership and the Laissez-faire leadership style. In this assignment, I will be going through two important challenges in the topic ‘Leadership’, and will comment on potential methods of addressing these issues. The challenges/issues i will go through are: ‘Which leadership style is most appropriate?’ and â€Å"What is better for a leader to use; punishment vs reward?†. Kurt Lewin was a psychologist, not a human resource specific profession, however he had many theories around different styles of leadership due to his experiments in different groups in regards to leadership. He was the man behind the three main leadership styles mentioned in theShow MoreRelatedLaissez Faire s Faire Leadership Style1366 Words   |  6 PagesThe laissez-faire leadership style can be seen by some as lazy or a type of leadership style where the leader is non-existent. A leader who uses the laissez-faire leadership style is backing away from the traditional idea of a manager or leader, and allowing the employees to make decisions or tackle problems on their own. The laissez-faire leadership style was developed in 1938 in compilation with both autocratic and democratic leadership styles. This leadership style is best when the workforce isRead MoreLaissez Faire And Transformational Leadership Styles Essay1615 Words   |  7 PagesComparatively, Laissez-faire leadership is a great contrast to transactional and transformational leadership styles as defined by Cherry, K. (2016) Laissez-faire leadership, also known as delegative leadership, is a type of leadership style in which leaders are hands-off and allow group members to make the decisions. Because of this, researchers have found that this is generally the leadership style that leads to the lowest productivity among group members. Laissez-faire is often characterised by:Read MoreLeadership Styles, Leadership, Transformational Leadership And Laissez Faire Leadership1167 Words   |  5 Pagesinspired you to develop your own leadership traits? â€Å"A leader is someone who demonstrates what’s possible† (Mark Yarnell, 2015). There are numerous leadership styles. Each of the numerous leadership styles can be beneficial if utilized in an appropriate means. I have chosen three leaders and their unique leadership styles to discuss in this paper. The unique styles that will be discuss ed are situational leadership, transformational leadership, and laissez-faire leadership. I will also discuss eachRead MoreThe Leadership Style Of Laissez Faire, Democratic, And Autocratic Leadership1367 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Leadership is a quality that every nurse can possess. Though, it takes the qualities of vision, passion, integrity, and empowerment to make an excellent nurse leader (Kelly Tazbir, 2014). Anyone can be a leader (Stonehouse, 2011). If you tell that statement to a brand new nurse, she will likely tell you she will not be a leader because she is unsure of her skills. It is important to recognize this and know that leadership evolves with education. The styles of laissez faire, democraticRead MoreLeadership Styles : Autocratic, Bureaucratic, And Laissez Faire Essay900 Words   |  4 PagesThere are three main leadership styles: Autocratic, Bureaucratic, and Laissez-faire. Autocratic, otherwise known as Authoritarian, leadership styles assume that employees are externally motivated and incapable of making external decisions. Therefore, orders are given out specifically with clear expectations and deadlines. In this leadership style the leader has the final say in the project (Finkleman, 2012). Democratic Leaders are less productive then authoritarian leaders; however, they tend toRead MoreLaissez Faire Leadership Is A Hands Off Style Essay1377 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Laissez-faire leadership is a hands-off style characterized by leaders who give the least amount of guidance to their subordinates as possible. These leaders believe that people are at their most creative and efficient when a leader focuses their energy into facilitating an environment where distractions from the outside are mitigated and trust is placed in the employee to solve their problems in the best ways imaginable. The main focus of Inju Yang’s conceptual exploration of laissez-faireRead MoreThe Impact Of Transactional, Transformational And Laissez Faire Leadership Styles On Organisational Performance1556 Words   |  7 PagesDoes leadership make a difference to organisational performance? Leadership is commonly equated with positions of power, influence and status. However, leadership can be seen at all levels of an organisation, not just a person or group of people in a superior position. The influence of leadership on organisational performance is a common topic of interest. There are a number of leadership styles that influence an organisations performance when implemented. The type of leadership style used withinRead MorePrinciples And Characteristics Of Laissez Faire1114 Words   |  5 Pagesquote by the late Steve Jobs perfectly captures the essence of laissez faire leadership. The model is rather a paradox within the leadership theories, because of its hands-off nature. The leader and subordinate roles are almost turned upside down, making it a difficult theory to grasp. So what does it take to lead with a laissez faire philosophy? In this guide, we’ll explore what is the definition and history behind laissez faire leadership. We’ll analyse the essential characteristics of the frameworkRead MoreCharacteristics Of Autocratic Leadership946 Words   |  4 PagesCommunity and Family Studies Leadership is the action of leading a group of people or an organization. There are four leadership styles, these include: Autocratic, Laissez-faire, Transformational and Democratic. Autocratic Autocratic leadership also known as authoritarian leadership, refers to the leadership style by which an individual has sole control of all decisions with little consultation from members within the group. An autocratic leader will typically make choices based on their ownRead MoreLeadership Styles, Employee Turnover Intentions And Counterproductive Work Behaviors Essay907 Words   |  4 PagesIndicators of Negative leadership Puni, A., Agyemang, C., Asamoah, E. (2016). Leadership Styles, Employee Turnover Intentions and Counterproductive Work Behaviours. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, 5(1). Study of 170 respondents within the eight Ghana Banks of turnover intentions and counterproductive behaviors of leadership roles. Discovered laissez-fare leadership individuals were difficult to distinguish from the regular work employees. These leaders seldom suggest

Friday, December 13, 2019

Gilgamesh Essay Paper Free Essays

English 3, 4 7 October 2012 The Quest for Immortality In the â€Å"Epic of Gilgamesh† translated by N. K. Sanders, Gilgamesh completes a series of many challenges and obstacles, fulfilling the conditions of an archetypal quest story. We will write a custom essay sample on Gilgamesh Essay Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now In order to fulfill an archetypal quest story, the hero or protagonist must complete a series of hurdles, on their way toward achieving their goal. In the â€Å"Epic of Gilgamesh†, Gilgamesh hunts for his main obsession, immortality, while he battles off monsters, with the help of some friends. Sensing Gilgamesh embraces too much power, the gods create a friend for Gilgamesh named Enkidu in the hopes of lessening Gilgamesh’s power. Enkidu and Gilgamesh turn out to be best friends after Enkidu loses a wrestling match to Gilgamesh. Enkidu decides to join Gilgamesh on his journey to seek immortality. Along the way the way they encounter enemies such as Humbaba, the guardian of the forest, and the Bull of Heaven. With the help of Enkidu, Gilgamesh travels a relentless journey and faces a road of trials, which carries out an archetypal quest story. Gilgamesh and Enkidu come across the guardian of the forest named Humbaba. Believing that Humbaba is undefeatable, Gilgamesh thinks that whoever slays Humbaba will receive immortality. Gilgamesh and Enkidu attack Humbaba with a â€Å"thrust of the sword to the neck and Enkidu his comrade struck the second blow† (22). With one more strike to the belly, Humbaba falls. Hoping to achieve everlasting life, they realize that defeating Humbaba does not give them eternal life. Instead, it gives them eternal fame. Still unsatisfied, with not having found everlasting life, Gilgamesh tells his companion that â€Å"the boat of the dead shall not go down† (20) and is determined that he will never die. The next challenge Gilgamesh faces is the Bull of Heaven, sent by Ishtar’s dad, Anu. Ishtar is the goddess of love who makes advances on Gilgamesh, wanting to marry him. Gilgamesh is wise and realizes Ishtar is the woman as a temptress and knows she treats her husbands poorly. Ishtar is a distraction and will pull him away from his goal. When Gilgamesh rejects her advances, Anu directs the Bull of Heaven to attack Gilgamesh’s homeland, Uruk. Gilgamesh and Enkidu easily kill the Bull of Heaven which enrages the gods when they hear that the bull is dead. The gods make Enkidu become terribly ill, which kills him seven days later in a very painful death. Seeing his friend die, Gilgamesh obtains apotheosis and continues on his expedition of seeking immortality. Gilgamesh encounters Utnapishtim, a man who survives the great flood and receives immortality. Utnapishtim gives Gilgamesh eclectic tasks to achieve eternal life. The first task is to stay awake for seven days, which Gilgamesh is unable to accomplish. Feeling sorry, Utnapishtim tells Gilgamesh a secret that if he finds the â€Å"plant that grows under the water†¦ [it] restores his lost youth† (31). Gilgamesh lights up and ties rocks to his feet to sink down to search for the marvelous plant. Gilgamesh finds the ultimate boon. He is overjoyed and eager to bring the plant back to his homeland to restore the youth of all the men there. The refusal of the return occurs when, he was returning home and becomes careless and bathes in a nearby well of cool water, leaving the plant unattended. A snake suddenly appears and eats the plant, restoring the snake’s youth. Gilgamesh begins to weep upon seeing that he failed in his quest for immortality. Gilgamesh returns back to his homeland, Uruk, and engraves his story on a stone for everyone to see and remember. In conclusion, the â€Å"Epic of Gilgamesh† executes the qualities of an archetypal quest story by Gilgamesh going on a trip to find immortality while performing the road of trials. The hero generally wishes to achieve a goal or object and return home with it, in this case, eternal life. The protagonist also might lose a few things he loves; an example is how Gilgamesh lost his best friend, Enkidu. Gilgamesh also had to fight off enemies such as Humbaba and the Bull of Heaven, while searching for his obsession. From the departure, the initiation, and to the return of his journey, made the â€Å"Epic of Gilgamesh† an archetypal quest story. How to cite Gilgamesh Essay Paper, Essay examples